Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Everyone has been waiting!

I bet I have had almost all my friends and partly some of my family ask me to get a picture of Cord and so I finally after school pulled him by me and said " Cord, we need to get a picture! Say Cheese!!!". He wasn't very thrilled about that idea.. but was a good sport about it! Here is the picture.. and yes I know he isn't smiling!!! We tried and he did but he and I had to leave and Job was taking forever and I guess he thought he already took it... ugh! Oh well though! There is the picture... I will get a better one if you guys want me to!!! haha! Oh by the way those are cold sores on his mouth... ya.... :( Sad.. ENJOY THE PICTURE

P.S. I made shirts for him and I, so I will make sure I post those pictures with what the shirt looks like soon!