Monday, March 1, 2010

Disneyland-Part 3-FINALLY!

Sorry it's been taking so long for be to update about my Disney trip! Last time I went to Disney I didn't post hardly pictures, but I decided that I needed to this year! I had a blast and wouldn't mind doing it every year!!! This section that I am posting about is the performing part! We woke up bright and early on Saturday (Friday night... lets just say we stayed up WAY past our curfew! We were suppose to be in our beds at 9:00 p.m but it ended up being 2:00 a.m before I finally went to bed!) We all got ready and then it was time to go perform! It was really close to where we were staying so we walked over. My parents just met me over there. We all warmed up and got all the butterflies and frogs in our stomachs...but then we went on and rocked!!! I think we did great!!! We were so tired after...but we still were wanting to go to Disney!!! We got 3rd out of our category... which is out of the nation!!! That's great!! But anyways!! That's a little part of that day! I will update my favorite part.....the Disney part!

Excited we got third place!

Shelisse and I waiting for award time!

We cheered in front of that sign.. I just HAD to take a picture of it!
Shelisse and I ready to roll with our RED lipstick and the TONS of glitter on our eyes!

My couch putting my eye glitter on and my fake eyelashes on! I kind of look fake in this picture!
I didn't know that Kylee was taking a picture of me....

We all get ready, in what we call "spankies". Which is just TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT shorts that you wear under your skirt.
Kylee and I excited for Nationals!

getting ready with Toni and Shelisse... they are great girls! Love them!
Shelisse telling me that he forehead is big so it makes he look ugly. She is a beautiful girl so I got mad at her when she told me that! Shelisse, you are gorgeous!

Kylee putting on her makeup! We is such a cute girl! I love her!
Toni having a morning snack before Nationals!

Sorry you guys have had to wait awhile

1 comment:

Nat Lud said...

You better be sorry for making us wait! ;) j/k. Looks like it was fun. You girls are adorable!