Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Joy of Cheerleading!

Oh the joys of cheerleading! I love these girls so much!! They are all so talented and are the best!! I took my camera for after cheer because Toni and I were going to hang out and I wanted to take some pictures but someone found it in my locker and decided to take LOTS of pictures (kylee....shelisse.....) but they are so funny! so here we are cheering away!

Shelisse, Me, and Kylee! I am going to miss them next year! :(

Toni and Ky.

Cool Trick Kylee and Toni

Shelisse was suprised that I could hold her!
Shelisse was a little freaked out! Left to right: Kylee, Mikka, Shelisse, and I
Left to right: Kelsey, Kylee, Mikka, Shelisse, Toni, Josie

Running their laps.

1 comment:

Reeses Pieces said...

Never a dull moment for you Cassie. Looks like you're always having a good time!