Friday, April 30, 2010

Babysitting the Blackhurst Babies!

I tended the Blackhurst family awhile ago, but because of my laptop I had to wait a while to post it! Let me tell ya! These boys are the cutest little boys! Their parents went down to watch there Aunt get her endowments out. They came over and we watched like 10 minutes of Spirit because Bridger was running all over and Bronco wanted to follow Bridger around. It was a great night! And the cutest part ( I wish I got it on the camera!!) is that I layed down with Bridger when Bronco finally fell asleep for the night and Bridger lay by me and we both feel asleep! So so cute!!

Bridger watching Spirit! (He was so tired!)

Bring your boys over here and this is what you get! A little boy playing with girl stuff. Sorry! :)

He LOVED LOVED LOVED my slippers!

Showing the camera his yummy yogurt!

Bronco kept on moving so I didn't get a good picture!
Bronco watching TV!

Watching the movie! Cutest kids!

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